Yes, Sign Me Up For A FREE Cyber Security Risk Assessment And IT Systems Checkup.

After doing this type of thing for years, we’ve truly perfected a process for helping companies like yours to get their IT systems working the way they are supposed to.

After conducting this Free Assessment, we’ll be able to answer your top questions, such as:

  • Are your IT systems truly secured from hackers, viruses and rogue employees?
  • Are your backups configured properly to ensure that you could be back up and running again fast in a disaster?
  • Are you unknowingly exposing your company to expensive fines and litigation under new data breach laws?
  • Could you utilize cheaper and more efficient cloud computing technologies to lower IT costs and make it easier to work remotely?
  • Are your systems optimized for maximum speed and performance? (I can tell you, 99% of the computer networks we review are NOT.)

Once we have a clear picture on the state, health and performance of your current IT systems, we’ll then deliver a customized IT Optimization plan that will show you how to eliminate every single nagging problem, enable you to work faster and easier and lower IT costs wherever possible.

At The End Of This Assessment,
One Of Three Things Will Happen:

You love the plan and decide to implement it on your own. If this is the case, we’ll wish you the best of luck and ask that you keep in touch with us to let us know how you’re doing.

You love the plan and ask to become our client so we can personally help you implement it ASAP. If that’s the case, we’ll knock it out of the park ... and that’s a promise.

Or finally…

In the unlikely and unprecedented event that you feel like you wasted your time, and that we don’t find a way to dramatically improve your situation, we will send you a check for $100 immediately. No questions asked. Your time is your most valuable asset, and I respect that. To date, we’ve NEVER had anyone say that we’ve wasted their time, so I feel completely comfortable making this guarantee to you.

Think about this…

The “worst” that can happen is you get $100 for “wasting” an hour having an independent third party validate and review the security, speed and health of your computer network.

The best that can happen is we work together to finally take all IT complaints off your plate.

Simply Fill Out The Form On This Page To Get Started!

Sign Me Up For
The Free Assessment

Important! We hate spam as much (or more!) than you and promise to NEVER rent, share, or abuse your e-mail address and contact information in any way.

Immediate and Personal Support Makes All the Difference

Let me share my experience with The Plug Group, an exceptional IT service provider that has truly transformed our financial reporting and Owner’s Report processing. Since they started providing SQL environment support and monthly owner's report processing for our company, the single biggest benefit we've enjoyed is the vast breadth of expertise they bring to the table. It all begins with SQL, but their knowledge extends beyond that to virtual workspaces, process efficiency, and solving real-world business and technical problems.

What sets The Plug Group apart from other IT firms is the personalized touch they provide. While we do have a Help Desk, unlike previous experiences with other firms, it doesn't lead to a distant location like India. Instead, in dire situations, I have a direct Teams link with the Founder of The Plug Group. This immediate and personal support makes all the difference, especially in our day-to-day development of financial reports.

If you're considering The Plug Group as your IT firm, let me assure you that their responsiveness is exceptional. We get quick responses to issues from real people who truly understand our business and its unique needs. Thanks to The Plug Group, we've enhanced our efficiency and productivity, resulting in a significant improvement in our financial reporting and asset management.

So, don't hesitate any longer! Maximize your potential with The Plug Group as your ideal IT partner. Their expertise, personal touch, and dedication to understanding and supporting our financial reporting processes have made all the difference. Join me in experiencing the value of The Plug Group and take your business to new heights of success.

Mike Briscoe Director of Reporting
Providence Management Company

Gain Access to an Exception Team of Experts

Attention all businesses in need of a remarkable IT partner! Since The Plug group took over our support, migrated us to Office 365, and enrolled us in their managed IT services program, our company support has experienced a large reduction in end user problem tickets.  The Plug Group put the right solutions in place to eliminate recurring support issues.

The single biggest benefit we've enjoyed is the exceptional depth of knowledge the entire team possesses on Office 365 and other Microsoft products. Their expertise has been amazing and has proven to be incredibly helpful to our success.

What truly sets The Plug Group apart from other IT firms is their outstanding services and flexibility. They are always ready to lend a helping hand wherever needed. Their ability to adapt to our unique needs and challenges is truly impressive.

If you're on the fence about choosing The Plug Group as your IT firm, let me tell you this: the cost of adding people with the skills The Plug Group has to offer would be astronomical. With The Plug Group as your partner, you gain access to an exceptional team of experts without the burden of additional hiring costs. They are simply the best group to work with, hands down.

So, don't hesitate! Unlock your success with The Plug Group by your side. Their vast knowledge, flexibility, and genuine support will propel your business to new heights.

Joshua Hinton Director of IT
Providence Management Company